Visit Piazza delle Erbe

Piazza delle Erbe

The piazza occupies the ancient site of the Roman Forum and for centuries has been the financial and political centre of the city. In the centre of the square is the fountain, built using a Roman statue during Scaligeri rule and later known as the "Madonna Verona".

The central area is also known as the "toloneo" and in present days is occupied by the characteristic umbrellas of the daily market.

Unfortunately this place is a bit touristy and the Market Square sell wares mainly catered for tourists e.g. masks, keychains, magnets and various assorted souvenirs.

In the middle of Piazza Erbe, stands the slim Tower of the City, or Lamberti Tower. Construction of the tower vaguely began in 1172. In May 1403, lightning struck the tower and knocked its top off. Thus restoration work had to be done from 1448 to 1463/1464. This restoration work raised the tower higher.

Lamberti Tower is one main attraction that ought to be visited. You can choose to climb up the Tower for free with the Verona Card or pay an extra euro to take the elevator.

You will be given a token coin to slot into the gantry. Take note of the zig zag design of the coin and the slot or you might be stuck at the gantry for some time.

Even after taking the elevator, you will still need to climb a 2 flights of steps before you can finally enjoy the "Top of Verona" feeling.

You can also consider coming back at night to take the night view of Piazza delle Erbe. Although both the market and the tower is closed, the bars are open still. And without the bustle of the market, you will see a quieter side of Piazza delle Erbe.

Admission fee:
6 euros to climb (free with Verona card)
7 euros to take the elevator (pay an extra 1 euro with Verona card)

After you climb the Lamberti tower, around the same area, you can also find Dante Alighieri statue. Dante was born in Florence (which I will visit later) and in my memory is best known as the one who constructed the Italian language. Thus he is also fondly remembered as the "Father of the Italian language".

In 1314 Dante, a famous Italian writer and a public office holder arrives in Verona. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an envoy and a prior at the magistrate in Florence. He lived in Verona until 1319.

You can read more about Dante Alighieri in Wiki.

To continue exploring both Romeo and Juliet's houses, check Bflygal Trails: Visit Romeo and Giuliette in Verona

The places of attraction around Piazza delle Erbe
2) Piazza delle Erbe / Lamberti tower
3) Arche Scaligere
4) Casa di Giulietta


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